Tsukai TV Sukatto Japan
Japanese Title 痛快TVスカッとジャパン No. of Ep 99 Duration 60 Production Year 2014 Genre Short drama Type Series Cast Teruyoshi Uchimura Copyright ©Fuji Television Network, Inc.
Something that we struggle with daily, that eats us up ad causes stress and anger: annoying people. You now those people. Unreasonable companies, obnoxious drunk people, rude cab drivers, snobby salesperson, loud teenagers with no manners, and so on. Hosted by Teruyoshi Uchimura of the comedy duo Ucchan Nanchan, this show features short dramatic reenactments of real-life situation where someone beats those “bad guys” through cleverness and wit. In every episode, he well-reputed supporting actors are cast as characters. There’s no doubt that the show provides a great stress relief and leaves audiences feel completely entertained and exhilarated!