Japanese Title シャーロック No. of Ep 10 Duration 54 Production Year 2019 Genre DRAMA/MYSTERY Type Series Cast Dean Fujioka
Takanori IwataCopyright ©2019 Fuji Television Network, Inc.
Retaining all the allure of Arthur Conan Doyle’s original creation, in this modern adaptation, a buddy team with crazy good looks but even crazier mentalities solve countless mysteries.
Sherlock is a genius that has solved numerous mysteries. At the same time, he is prone to criminal impulsiveness. His partner Watson, a psychiatrist in a Tokyo hospital, is cool, collected, and reasonable. He appears to be an easygoing man, but in reality he is delicate. At first, he finds Sherlock to be arrogant and rude, but he gradually becomes comfortable with his artfully manipulative personality, which sweeps aside emotional walls, and the two come to live together…