RiluRilu Fairilu
Japanese Title リルリルフェアリル No. of Ep 59 Duration 30 Production Year 2016 Genre FAMILY/FANTASY Type Series Cast Copyright ©2015,2016 SANRIO/SEGA TOYS
TX・ Rilu Rilu Fairilu Production Committee
Fairilu are fairies born from speial seeds. A tulip Fairilu, Lip, along with many other flower fairies, insect fairies,
mermaid fairies and more live in Little Village, where every day is a wonderful adventure. In the human world,
Nozomu Hanamura believes in the existence of Fairilu. One day, he goes through a Fairilu door and witnesses
the birth of a Fairilu…
Each week, viewers will meet a variety of quirky Fairilu. The stories present a fantasy picture book type of world
view with lessons about finding your dreams and growing.